Building the perfect Christmas Grotto

Building the perfect Christmas grotto is essential when Christmas is coming! It’s now less than a month to go until the launch of our Tower Toymaker’s Workshop.

Father Christmas is on his way to the Tower and his loyal elves have set up the workshop just in time for all the new helpers to come and build their very own cuddly toy. The birth certificates are ready to be signed, the love heart charms are waiting to be placed and the bag of stuffing is ready to bring the cuddly toys to life.

Here are the things you need to make the perfect Christmas grotto:

  • Lights – lots of them! Our Toymaker’s Workshop has fairy lights glistening everywhere to give it that magical, cosy feel.
  • A Christmas tree. Christmas isn’t Christmas without a tree. It doesn’t matter if it’s real or artificial, as long as the decorations are matching and there’s some sparkle, you’re good to go.
  • Comfy armchair. Father Christmas wouldn’t be able to do his job and meet all of the children without having a comfy armchair to sit in. Just don’t let anyone else sit in it!
  • Curtains; to keep Santa hidden from the children and make the grotto super cosy.
  • Garland to bring the festivity of Christmas inside the grotto and make it even more magical.
  • Elves to keep the grotto in order (or disorder! Some elves can be very mischievous).
  • Father Christmas. The main man himself. Every grotto is complete with Father Christmas sat in his armchair.

Take a look at some of the pictures during the creation of our grotto:

Building the perfect Christmas grotto - wall art
Building the perfect Christmas grotto - ladder and lights in wooden shed
Building the perfect Christmas grotto - a Christmas tree with baubles in a grotto